How to make Butter Slime

                                                  How To make Butter Slime

Hello everyone today we are going to make a Butter Slime 😍😍. Now for making that you will need-

  1.  A bowl
  2. A spoon
  3. Shaving foam
  4. Glue
  5. Yellow Food dye or colour
  6. Lotion
  7. Borax + water
  8. A container too keep your slime

    First things first take your bowl add your glue and then add your shaving foam mix them all together now add your yellow food dye or paint. Mix it well again. Now you will have to add lotion to make it stretchy . Now to make the mixture into slime add your borax mix. Don't add all the mixture in one time add slowly slowly or else the slime mix will get over activated. There you go with a awesome slime and store it into your container


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