How to make a Slime without activator

                                                 How to make Slime without 

Hey guy's welcome back to my blog so today I will tell you how to make a slime without activator. Now no one will tell you how to make a slime like this but I will, so let's get started. The things you'll need are-

  1. a bowl
  2. a spoon
  3. some powder
  4. white glue
  5. shaving foam
  6. colour
    So first you want to pour the glue in the bowl and add colour and then mix it. After that add a lot of powder so you want to add powder until the slime is in the sticky constancy or we can even say in a texture of a sticky slime then add a lot of shaving foam until it get's slimy😀😀😜 YOUR SLIME IS READY NOW!!😜😜😉💙💙💖


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